Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Preparation for RED BULL

is quite some time... ^.^... v hav four parts in our preparation stage... BOOTH, MOCK-UP, BULLS, ADVERTISEMENT....

yong xiang & eric

all of us SEMANGAT do mock-up...
venue: canteen 2 foyer

c the mess v created.... ishhh...

first mock up habis~~

water tower!!! usin red bull can...

how we created our 2 over-sized BULLS
thx 2 xiao long... ^.^

EU JUAN muka noob-ie...

gavin, winnie, juan....

xiao long SERIOUS....

testin d entrance.... xD

until nite still buat....

wit winnie's DAD supervised us...
onli d booth can kao tim
perfectly NICE!!!!
thx UNCLE...

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